Friday, June 22, 2012


Apparently turkey is the key to world peace. Since the new kitten, Indy, came into our lives it hasn't been the smoothest of sailings. Specifically I'm talking about his developing relationship with the other cat in the house, Pumpkin. When the little bundle of energy first arrived the original feline in the house wanted to kill him. I'm not joking... we're talking class A homicide. Thankfully the 'death and mayhem' phase didn't last that long and has developed into a cold indifference. Would these two ever be able to live in harmony? Would I always have to keep tabs on the two in case World War III would ensue? No, I think we'll be fine :)

I caught the two red-handed. They were cuddling on the couch like a couple of sleeping angels. ^_^ Obviously once their secret was exposed, Pumpkin would flee the premises and act as though nothing had happened. Was it a fluke? An isolated incident? Again, I think not. Later in the evening the two were sharing the bed, on opposite sides of course. Till... I brought a turkey sandwich into the room. I have never seen a more instantaneous and coordinated flanking technique execution since my studies in history. Pumpkin took the right. Indy took the left. There was no where to run nor hide. And they were relentless! >_< The only way I could fend them off was to offer up a sacrifice of delicious turkey. Rather then fighting over the offered morsels, the two actually shared the victory spoils in perfect harmony! I could almost not believe it.

The moral or the story is even potential a nemesis can prove to be at least as convenient acquaintance. And apparently turkey is the key to world peace. Meow =P

Love you baby! Catch you next time! =D


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